To provide every human with their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.
The WWS is like the World Wide Web, except:
git clone
cd wws
npm install --omit=dev
npm install --omit=dev -g .
wws list
# Fetch a few sites:
wws fetch scroll breck pldb
wws open
The WWS client currently requires Node.js. More clients coming soon.
The World Wide Scroll beta is live!
You can now register a root folder in the World Wide Scroll!
When you register a folder in the WWS, you become that folder's "Editor".
The Editor is the person responsible for updating the metadata about that folder.
Registration funds go toward the development of the Scroll language ecosystem. A portion is also distributed to the "WWS Reps" who help onboard and maintain the community.
After you register your root folder, check out the Getting Started Guide.
, including choosing one unique unclaimed alpha-numeric id which is the name of your root folder, as well as rights to update that folder information for ten years and renewal rights.root.scroll
).Art. Calmness. Courage. Freedom. Fun. Intelligence. Laughter. Love. Science. Truth.
These are the words that guide The World Wide Scroll (WWS).
Download the list of root folders in the World Wide Scroll as: